FREE Access to Digital Software

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What digital software can I use?

There is no limitation to how your entry can be submitted, whether using a computer, phone, tablet or carefully handcrafted out of wood or papier-mâché.

You may use any digital software you already have access to, however we have worked closely with the following software companies to provide all students entering the competition with free licences to some of the leading technologies in this field.

1. ArcGIS by ESRI - geospatial software

ArcGIS Online by ESRI. Industry standard Geospatial software.

To receive a free ArcGIS licence and access free training please ask your teacher to complete the Sign Up page for your Schools Bundle licence using the link below. Lots of data layers and 3D data is provided in your student's TOOLBELT in the How to do digital section.

ESRI have also kindly produced this welcome guide to support students with this design challenge. It includes a huge amount of teaching lessons and materials, interactive tools, success stories, data you can download and use, plus lots more. If you are considering using ArcGIS this is an essential resource you must use! Follow the link below.

GLA-Design | Teach with GIS UK (

2. SketchUp - 3D modelling software

SketchUp by Trimble in partnership with MC2-Design. 3D modelling software widely used by architects and civil engineers.

MC2 Design are also providing free licences via Trimble and have two ways of installing the software.

  • Server Licence. To be used only on school computers but can be used by any student entering the competition
  • Personal licence. Individual licence where personal devices are being used

Please click on the logo and use the link below and complete the online form to confirm the type of licence and number of students per school so we can request your licences from MC2 Design for you. Free 3D data is included in your student's TOOLBELT in the How to do digital section.


Please contact us at if you have any queries about the different software options available.

What digital software can I use?

There is no limitation to how your entry can be submitted, whether using a computer, phone, tablet or carefully handcrafted out of wood or papier-mâché.

You may use any digital software you already have access to, however we have worked closely with the following software companies to provide all students entering the competition with free licences to some of the leading technologies in this field.

1. ArcGIS by ESRI - geospatial software

ArcGIS Online by ESRI. Industry standard Geospatial software.

To receive a free ArcGIS licence and access free training please ask your teacher to complete the Sign Up page for your Schools Bundle licence using the link below. Lots of data layers and 3D data is provided in your student's TOOLBELT in the How to do digital section.

ESRI have also kindly produced this welcome guide to support students with this design challenge. It includes a huge amount of teaching lessons and materials, interactive tools, success stories, data you can download and use, plus lots more. If you are considering using ArcGIS this is an essential resource you must use! Follow the link below.

GLA-Design | Teach with GIS UK (

2. SketchUp - 3D modelling software

SketchUp by Trimble in partnership with MC2-Design. 3D modelling software widely used by architects and civil engineers.

MC2 Design are also providing free licences via Trimble and have two ways of installing the software.

  • Server Licence. To be used only on school computers but can be used by any student entering the competition
  • Personal licence. Individual licence where personal devices are being used

Please click on the logo and use the link below and complete the online form to confirm the type of licence and number of students per school so we can request your licences from MC2 Design for you. Free 3D data is included in your student's TOOLBELT in the How to do digital section.


Please contact us at if you have any queries about the different software options available.

Page last updated: 26 Nov 2021, 10:55 AM