Large-scale Purpose-built Shared Living Guidance
Consultation has concluded

This consultation closed on 27 March 2022.
The guidance is now adopted and is published and available to download on the webpages.
Large scale purpose built shared living (co-living) is a form of communal living that provides private rooms and shared facilities to cook, dine, relax and socialise. The LSPBSL guidance provides information on how to apply London Plan Policy H16 to ensure these developments are of acceptable quality, well-managed and integrated into their surroundings.
To assist developers, boroughs, and others involved in design and planning, the guidance sets out detailed standards for communal spaces and private rooms to ensure the development provides well designed and sufficient communal facilities for residents and their visitors along with functional private rooms. The guidance also sets out a requirement for a proportion of rooms to be accessible.
The guidance provides support to boroughs that want to address the potential overconcentration of LSPBSL developments through their local policies to provide an appropriate range of housing, including affordable housing and to ensure mixed and inclusive neigbourhoods in line with Policy H16(A3).
What has happened so far
This guidance has been prepared by the Greater London Authority (GLA) by looking at best practice examples from London and across the world. We are consulting on this draft guidance currently.
How you can take part
We would now like to get your feedback on the Large-scale Purpose-built Shared Living guidance. Please tell us your views by completing our survey below. The consultation will close on 27 March 2022. We will be running consultation events on the guidance aimed at boroughs, planners, developers, designers, and the general public.
If you have any queries about this consultation, please email
Catch-up on our recent briefing:
Equality impact assessment
The equality implications of the draft guidance documents can be viewed in the document library. Please share your views on our assessments and any potential equality impacts by completing the survey below.
What happens next
All feedback will be reviewed and a consultation summary document will be published alongside the final guidance. The final guidance will be published in 2022.
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