Talk London Discussions

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Talk London is City Hall’s online community.

We invited our online community of over 60,000 people to join the discussion about London’s future.

Click on the links below to view the discussion threads and see what people said.

Discussion Threads

How does London need to change (March 2022)

  • How can new buildings have a positive impact on the communities around them?
  • Where would you like to see more new homes built in London?
  • Is it better to provide new homes by making big changes in a few places? Or smaller changes in many places?

The future of London and your neighbourhood (June / July 2023)

  • Where and how new homes are built
  • Where businesses create new jobs
  • How we use our town centres and high streets
  • What our public spaces, parks and streets look like  


A summary of the feedback from The Future of London and your neighbourhood discussion is also available here.

The future of London and your neighbourhood Discussion Report

Talk London is City Hall’s online community.

We invited our online community of over 60,000 people to join the discussion about London’s future.

Click on the links below to view the discussion threads and see what people said.

Discussion Threads

How does London need to change (March 2022)

  • How can new buildings have a positive impact on the communities around them?
  • Where would you like to see more new homes built in London?
  • Is it better to provide new homes by making big changes in a few places? Or smaller changes in many places?

The future of London and your neighbourhood (June / July 2023)

  • Where and how new homes are built
  • Where businesses create new jobs
  • How we use our town centres and high streets
  • What our public spaces, parks and streets look like  


A summary of the feedback from The Future of London and your neighbourhood discussion is also available here.

The future of London and your neighbourhood Discussion Report

Page published: 13 Jun 2024, 05:51 PM